In the early 19th century, to make the salt tax more profitable and stop the smuggling, the East India Company established customs check points throughout Bengal.
Once through the cumbersome, though in some ways thrilling (especially for neophytes), customs check, the foreign visitor in Eastern Europe is at large.
There was no land border with Denmark before July 2000 when the Öresund Bridge was opened, which had relaxed customs check from the start.
In that case, Ma'am," Ensign Tremaine said, "maybe we should make a customs check on her?
The customs official checked his papers, and then passed them to the controller at the end of the long counter.
Sometimes Legros would cross the US border and when the customs checked his luggage, he said that the paintings were just copies.
There was a cursory ID and customs check, then pas sengers filed to the elevators.
After the virtually nonexistent customs check, he called the number inside the envelop.
If customs checked, she knew, they'd be told she had been fired for trying to have a corpse exhumed.
Over 20 customs chapters and 50 customs check points were set up in Azerbaijan.