I never saw the custody suit coming.
The divorce was relatively amicable, but a subsequent custody suit was not settled until 2006.
A custody suit over her 14-year-old adopted daughter doesn't do much for Shirley's mood, either.
Grant Swisher represented his wife in a custody suit-- and won.
Swisher repped the spouse in a custody suit, won.
And young women get some handy advice: "This is not a good time to be a single mother in a custody suit."
And after she was awarded a paltry $8 a week, her former boyfriend smacked her with a custody suit.
For if I have my way, when this custody suit is over you'll never set eyes on Kirsty again.
He talks of how much he misses the boy and girl and of possible custody suits.
After my father was killed in an accident, the custody suits started.