If those demands were met, he testified, she had offered to work out a joint custody arrangement for the children.
Experts suspect, however, that California has disproportionately more joint custody arrangements than other parts of the country.
One young writer described the pain of being separated from a brother in a custody arrangement.
The lawyers could not agree on where the relatives should live and on the technical custody arrangement.
He has ignored a custody arrangement in which he would take their children to tennis and dance classes.
"The spouse who did not have the baby is more likely to try to change the custody arrangements for the children from their former marriage."
In the end, the evaluator gives the court a report that usually makes detailed recommendations about custody arrangements.
Frequently, they failed to make custody arrangements, the study said, and relatives often want only the younger children.
Their custody arrangements covered only the children they had together and not Jeff.
There are some inherent benefits to this form of custody arrangement.