As long as we're going to be sticklers about "the law," the laws that grant a father custodial rights to his children refer only to legitimate children.
But while courts will jail men who can't meet their support payments, mothers who interfere with a father's custodial rights rarely face similar penalties.
Indeed, the mother surrendered her custodial rights when she put the baby up for adoption at birth.
The adoption centers were created in the 1970's to speed up the adoption of children whose parents had lost custodial rights in court.
Gabrielle is befuddled since Dale signed away his custodial rights.
Icelandic law holds that the Icelandic government has custodial rights of the physical samples themselves while the donors retain ownership rights.
Eventually he gained equal custodial rights.
It was six months after he was refused custodial rights over Michael that he abducted the child from his elementary school classroom.
In this context, "illegal" is normally taken to mean "in breach of custodial rights" and "home" is defined as the child's habitual residence.
The concept of "actually exercised" in reference to custodial rights itself was an innovation in terminology.