Custodians are currently paid $12 million in extra salary in lieu of collecting "custodial fees" for the after-school use of buildings.
In fact, the public can use most schools without paying fees because the Board of Education agreed in 1985 to pay $5,650 to each custodian in exchange for a waiver of "custodial fees" from 3 to 6 P.M., including those in schools where there are no after-school activities.
Indeed, the biggest obstacle to investing in commercial real estate is expense - for the property as well as the custodial fees, which can vary widely.
Revenues from asset management, custodial fees and real estate transactions remained relatively stable.
Keep in mind that the annual custodial fees are "miscellaneous expenses" that can be deducted to the extent the total expenses exceed 2 percent of your adjusted gross income.
From 1987 to 1989, asset management and custodial fees, the hope of the future, grew 22 percent to $598 million.
Similarly, I.R.A. account holders should be aware of custodial fees charged by banks and brokers, as well as those charged by the funds held in the account, he said.
The entry fee is $10 per student (to pay for the custodial fees, food, and prizes) and must be paid for before the lock-in night.
The $10 custodial fee for I.R.A.'s with less than $5,000 remains.
You are prepared to pay two custodial fees to have both of you, you and, uh, Petronius committed to our sanctuary?