A big white cloth was spread on the floor, with cushions scattered around it.
Heavy woven rugs covered the floors and there were low cushions scattered about for resting upon.
The moment was long enough for the Council to become uncomfortable, and some of them shifted on the cushions scattered around the low table.
After he had gone Tenaka refilled his goblet and leaned back on the thick cushions scattered round the rug.
Some of the bachelors, those less intrigued by the foreign novelty of poker, had already passed out on the various cushions and divans scattered throughout the suite.
The only furnishings were heaps of yellow cushions scattered on the floor and a row of stout, iron-bound chests standing along the rear wail.
Richly dressed women stood about, sat on cushions scattered about the polished floor or reclined on long settles.
The floor on the other side of the table was layered in brightly colored rugs, with tasseled cushions of red and blue and green scattered about.
Farok led him away from the youth and under the arches on the opposite side, indicated cushions scattered over the tile floor.
The cushions scattered about were plump and covered with a tightly woven fabric that would be cool and pleasant to the touch.