As bright yellow trams wind their way through curvy tree-lined streets, Lisboêtas stroll through the old quarters, much as they've done for centuries.
Ponta do Pargo is only reachable via curvy streets that cross villages.
A crowd soon formed, and nervous energy quickly filled what is normally a quiet neighborhood of brick homes and curvy streets tucked above the Lincoln Tunnel.
They drive a couple of miles to the subdivision with the curvy streets.
Les Valentine's house was off Racquet Club Road, on one of those curvy little streets created to make an instant neighborhood.
On Lombard Street in San Francisco, various tourists who had come to photograph the famously curvy street were photographed themselves.
Hence the Scottish names and quaint curvy streets.
He eschewed the newfangled foolishness of freeways in favor of a devious route that took them down alleys, through parks, along curvy residential streets.
They gave the illusion of county life, with village-type architecture, curvy streets and lots of trees, to people who in reality worked in big cities.
The operation was intended to reshape the area of the Old Port, a popular neighborhood whose small, curvy and windy streets were considered dangerous by the German authorities.