At first, her pictures look like odes to good taste - curvy lines on white fields, late de Kooning lite.
Some drawings of children, penciled with exacting, curvy lines in the 1940's, are particularly affecting (Johnson).
Each illustration is made up of many parallel, steely-sharp, often curvy black lines.
In 1946, after the abolition of the monarchy, the Savoy knots were replaced with two curvy lines.
In trying to unbend curvy lines, there is another way of deciding how to proceed on the ladder of powers.
I watched a long, curvy line swing out and in.
Her robes look very soft due to the curvy lines used.
"Fit," he said again, letting his hands follow those curvy lines down to her hips and back again.
These are curvy lines, like those left in the sand by waves, showing flaws created by different stresses.
And the curvy line that made the signature.