Corner lots had a dual purpose in both complimenting the curvilinear streets and binding the community neighborhood.
It contains the characteristics of the residential park-natural terrain, parkland, curvilinear streets and parkway-like amenities.
Willow Street, a rare curvilinear street in the older part of Philadelphia, is wavy because it follows the course of the old stream.
The town's plan, which was completed in 1869, called for curvilinear streets, following the land's contours and the winding Des Plaines River.
Similarly confusing to visitors are the plans of modern subdivisions with discontinuous and curvilinear streets.
With several curvilinear streets and fewer sidewalks, it resembles a suburban neighborhood.
The plan for Old Enfield is largely intact incorporating several small island parks along curvilinear streets at the edge of Pease Park.
The plans called for curvilinear streets, preservation of mature trees wherever possible, and underground utilities.
Pitzman's use of curvilinear streets to maximize privacy and vary views was a novelty in that era.
It is only accessible by traversing the village's curvilinear streets into the center of town.