The first three bays inside the church contain a curved gallery with curved pews.
The pillars that supported the side galleries were removed in the 1950s and the curved gallery was re-built straight, to accommodate the new supporting girder.
On either side of the building were two single story colonnades of curved open winged galleries connected to service buildings one and a half stories high.
The two areas are linked by a beautiful curved gallery.
Among other things, the engineering firm thought the proposed curved gallery roofs were structurally unsound and proposed a flat roof instead.
It is a fine hall with two curved galleries, the slips of each extending to and meeting the proscenium wall.
The black light gallery is a curved gallery featuring astronomical images painted in fluorescent paint and lit by ultraviolet lights.
At high elevation, curved galleries on top of the western wall are used, which can be moved across the wall to follow the telescope in azimuth.
Early instars form a long narrow semi-transparrent, curved gallery which terminates as an irregular, more or less rounded blotch.
Later, it gradually widens into a very long and irregularly curved gallery that is sometimes fused into a large blotch.