Across the room, he saw the golden curtains part.
Then he stepped to the window and drew the curtains part way across, shutting out a goodly portion of the bright light outside.
Then, as the very silence of the lair drove him almost to the point of frenzy, Ambril saw the curtains part.
The curtains part - precocity advances, ha, ha, ha!
Is "Spider-Man 2" going to close the theater or will one more extravaganza flicker to life as the curtains part?
The curtains part to reveal a coffin.
With the mood set, the curtains part, and behold!
When those curtains part, a chalkboard is revealed.
When the curtains part and you see a white screen you know you're watching a screen and it isn't real.
I have watched the curtains part in every variation of the final act.