She suddenly saw Jack, leaning negligently against a curtained wall, in laughing conversation with another man.
Then, as suddenly, he jerked his head to one side, to stare at the curtained wall that separated the inner from the outer chamber.
If you are building a top-of-the-line theater, you may want curtained walls.
Caught by the darkness, that sinister mirth was echoed from the curtained walls.
He managed instead, to wheel back against the curtained wall, reaching there just as the desk hit the spot where he had been.
He strode to the curtained wall as he spoke, and brushed the covering aside.
There was just room between the sofa and the curtained wall and the two girls got down.
The Shadow strove to wedge the curtained wall apart.
President Bill Dawson sat on the side of the large table against the curtained wall.
A dozen people were there, facing a curtained wall.