The shrouding curtain at the doorway masked all light.
Heavy curtains masked the dais where the String Band had discoursed sweet music, leaving a semicircular alcove in the centre of which the major domo had placed a chair behind a table with a carafe of water and a glass.
HEAVY curtains masked a door at the rear of the curio shop.
At the curtains masking the entrance to the next room she hesitated, half turned as though to speak, but did not.
Around the perimeter, a black curtain masks the walls, which were painted years ago by one of the minor Orientalists and may not be erased, having attained the status of art.
There was an opening in the jagged wall that the curtains masked - the entrance to a long, dark corridor that formed a slight incline.
Heavy curtains masked the win-dows.
A flimsy curtain masked the entrance.