After 1535, Xanto seems to have become less prolific; his works, if signed, are marked in more cursory fashion.
Documents on display - diaries, a cookbook, a police order - are also often referred to in cursory fashion without enough translation.
He consulted the readout of the padd, but only in a cursory fashion; he knew what the Frunalians had ordered.
He looked at it in a cursory fashion, verified that it was what it appeared to be, and moved on.
Elsie's adventures with the cat are ticked off in cursory fashion.
No doubt the regional parliament had once discussed it, in cursory fashion, and accepted the recommendations of the appropriate commissioners.
She glanced over at Riggs in a cursory fashion.
Only the forematter and endmatter of Ware's book are evaluated, and that in a curiously cursory fashion.
He then lifted both charred wrists, examined them and the hands in an apparently cursory fashion and lowered them again.
Brian Cashman, the Yankees' general manager, fostered the perception that they were involved in at least a cursory fashion.