McCarthy-Towne integrates language arts, math, social studies, science and art in the study of curriculum "units."
Each teacher had arrived at the program with a curriculum unit to create, using computers as an integral part of the material.
Teachers collaborating in the research teach the curriculum unit in the school.
However, at the primary curriculum unit in the building next door, I encountered a growing unease, a growing preoccupation with purpose.
It has shown how effectively a locally based curriculum unit can devise and produce trial materials using the strengths of both the university and the school system.
In one national primary curriculum unit (Swaziland) a full time evaluator has been included from the very inception of the work.
A school-based curriculum unit of study suitable for grades 7 through 12.
Because action precedes attempts to synthesize knowledge, teachers generally cannot plan a curriculum unit as a neat, predictable package.
Densho offers curriculum units investigating civil liberties issues.
A treat for those confronting that inescapable curriculum unit: learning the 50 states.