Even so, this survey is an addition to the current vogue for happiness indicators.
Your article was one of many in the current vogue for turning people into victims.
"They are hired primarily for their research skills; that's the current vogue."
The current vogue for religious music is a symptom.
And there is the current vogue for things retro, especially the 1950's, which was jazz's heyday.
No less important than its cut - current vogue calls for a degree of fullness - is the shirt's weight.
But others say that prosperity and the current vogue for finance has its perils, too.
She used no mantra and held the current vogue for mysticism in contempt.
And the current vogue for portraiture owes everything to the artist who gave the genre its modern form.
The current vogue for these kinds of sanctions has everything to do with domestic politics, of course.