The current was tugging at the boat, and Miranda couldn't see how she could hold it steady and climb aboard.
Her sodden clothing, especially those heavy, water-logged sheepskin boots, was pulling her down, the current was tugging her inexorably farther from shore, and she could feel her limbs growing numb and unresponsive.
Hidden objects banged into his feet and chafed his legs, and the violent currents beneath the froth tugged strenuously at his balance.
The currents tugged gently, playfully at his legs.
As the swifter current of the still-rising river tugged avidly at the stallion's legs, Red held his son more tightly in the crook of his arm.
Nik thrust the supply bag between two of the curling roots into the water, where the current of the stream, weak though it was, tugged the container out of sight.
"They trying to give me a disability," she continued, the current of connection tugging her toward her trouble.