Williams, the Cubs' No. 1 relief pitcher, has pitched in both leagues, and he said his current teammates were the best.
Is he hurting his current teammates by telling them, in effect, they are not good enough for him?
Miller hesitated to compare either of his two current teammates to Johnson and Schilling.
While playing with your current teammates you are out there everyday talking about which teams you would like to play for.
It is a difficulty his current teammates do not share.
Also, when Piazza returns, how many of his current teammates will be gone?
For all of the news media angst over Wallace, practically every former or current teammate raves about him.
"He's smart as hell," he said before cracking on his current teammates.
Hershiser's first victory came in relief on April 4, 1984, when some of his current teammates weren't even in high school.
This game didn't quite hold that much significance, but it's still a big moment for the 16-year veteran and his current teammates.