My current teaching might be more refined, but is always consistent with it.
Cain's more current teaching and research interests have come from her years in Trinidad teaching at The University of the West Indies.
I think the current teaching is that having persistent homosexual desires is disordered, it's an effect of original sin.
Feyerabend himself believes that current scientific teaching produces an 'unenlightened conformism'.
The current teaching of ICT is just creating another generation to support them in their ignorance.
As will be seen in Chapter 7, this itself could only have been due to current Roman catholic social teaching on mixed marriage.
Did he survey the current teachings of both faiths?
Channel 4 indicated in June 2010 that Tatchell would be the presenter of a documentary film examining "the current Pope's teachings throughout the world".
In any case, the conclusion that the positive response to this question represents widespread dissatisfaction with current teachings is not self-evident.
For current teachings of Christian Churches on homosexuality see Homosexuality and Christianity.