It isn't simply the low pay of current teachers that costs the city talent.
Statewide, nearly 50 percent of current teachers will be eligible for retirement in five years.
He replies that she can come in March, when her replacement, the current teacher, leaves.
The Department also provides professional training for current teachers as part of lifelong education programmes.
While most, if not all, current teachers are lay men and women, Catholicism plays a huge role in defining this community.
Moreover, state officials say that more than half of current teachers will be eligible to retire in this decade.
The current head teacher, Hugh Robinson, started at the school in 2003.
It often helped a slave's damaged self-esteem to know that the current teacher was focused on him or her alone.
Instead, teachers are interviewed and reviewed by a committee of current teachers from the department.
David Moorfoot is the current head teacher, and at present there are 85 pupils attending.