The group, which will make its request today, calls current Federal support for research in information technology "dangerously inadequate" and too short-term.
Ask people, on the other hand, whether recent Republican campaign rhetoric or current Democratic support for affirmative action is racist, and the consensus disappears.
Do not include current and pending support for consultants or other contractors.
When EverQuest started up in 1999, there were 12 servers supporting 100,000 players; the current 45 support 430,000.
Still, academics have promised that their current support will besubstantial.
This table documents the current support for audio codecs by the element.
Since the current support depends on European agricultural policy implementation procedures in force at present, the future of this policy after 2013 is uncertain.
I consider current agricultural support to be wasteful and do not wish to contribute to further subsidies for this sector.
Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina still has feet of clay and would, unfortunately, not hold fast without the current international support.
The current scholarly support for Arminianism is wide and varied.