The current pope has made something like 100 apologies so far.
In calling the church to an accounting with its past, the current pope has not been perfect.
Once again, however, the current Pope seems to have escaped easy categorization.
The current pope is obviously a deep and holy man; but that makes his hostility even more painful.
All this is supervised by a very small group of church officials and without the specific knowledge of the current Pope.
Since then, the elected monarch of the Vatican City state has been the current pope.
"I'd been reading the papers and noticed the current pope was accused of being the hard guy for the last pope," he said.
This group claims that the current Pope (as well, perhaps, as some of his immediate predecessors) were not legitimate.
Blessed by the current pope, these boys.
Then, chuckling himself: "Not that the current pope doesn't deserve it, mind you, from all I've heard.