This policy will cost about $350 to $400 a year, compared to the current average premium payment of $1,100.
Had that happened, the Islanders could have tripled or quadrupled the current payment.
You could start getting Working Tax Credit, or your current payments might change.
The effect of which was- so truly is courtesy a current payment- that the Prince constantly found means to renew his creditors.
When a pension plan collapses, the agency takes over the current and future payments, up to certain limits.
It is only natural for new, rapidly growing countries to have significant deficits in their balance of current payments and capital imports.
The economic deterioration can be seen in the redenomination of the rouble, the financial crisis and the problems with current payments.
If current payments are not made, the court may hold that the shareholders have lost their occupancy rights even during the bankruptcy workout.
The current first-year monthly payment on the average adjustable-rate mortgage would be $743.19.
This excess comes from current high payments by workers and their employers.