This formal warning should be placed in the Wikipedia namespace and linked to from a list of other current notices.
See current and past notices about changes to city and county sales tax rates.
For current notices of funding availability, however, grantseekers should use
Smoke - Owing to fog in London Division restriction train service to operate in accordance with current fog-working notice.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, prohibits the carrying of firearms in its "houses of worship"; they have current notice posted on the Utah Dept of Public Safety's website.
Public Notice 197 Excise goods: receipt into and removal from an excise warehouse of excise goods paragraph 2.3 explains the situations when EMCS is not available and you can view the current notice using the link below.
For current notices of funding availability, see .
Although the contractual agreement signed by the contractor and the AOC Contracting Officer governs the contractor's performance, the information here will provide current and immediate notice to AOC contractors of the operating status or other changing procedures or conditions that may affect contractor performance.
For example, he said, one module - the library function - contains emergency information and security procedures, sale and transfer information, building documents and current notices.