The problem with current medications is that they are crude in their action, something like flooding a garden to water it.
When you come for your test, bring with you a list of all your current medications, including the dose.
Patients should see a doctor to review their current medications before taking St. John's wort to avoid possible drug interactions.
Stated-choice practitioners should include a current medication in choice surveys to control for this bias.
Could my current medications, lifestyle, or any other conditions be affecting my sleep?
After entering the names of her current medications, I was presented with a list of estimated costs for several plans.
You think that your current medications are not working or are causing side effects.
You think that one of your current medications may be making you feel depressed.
Other current medications therefore always have to be taken into account when using this compound.
The virus itself is not known to be susceptible to current antiviral medications.