God knows why, because it really is a scandal: a small minority enriching themselves at the expense of the current and future majority.
The current majority in Congress and the administration are among the most thin-skinned politicians I have seen in recent years.
With most of the votes counted, it appeared that Labor would expand its current 7-seat majority in the 146-member house.
Democrats concede that they are on the defensive and that their goal now is simply to hold their current majority.
Thus the many checks against majoritarian rule did not bother them, even though they themselves were the current majority.
Power on the board has shifted almost every election since 1998, with the current conservative majority taking hold in 2004.
That's consistent with the current majority's attitude toward capital punishment.
And he proposed requiring that two-thirds of the voters, rather than the current simple majority, approve local school districts' property tax increases.
Mr. Doria's current majority leadership team will follow him as minority leaders.
In an unusual coalition, a few Republicans have united with the Democrats to form the current governing majority.