These systems gain in simplicity, but are less advantageous with regard to eddy current losses.
They justify huge current losses by saying that revenues will be recouped as customers spend more.
Coincidentally, Miami's current two losses also have been by a total of 6 points.
The Post's current annual losses are estimated at $12 million to $15 million.
The current losses were estimated 1.6 billion marks.
The laminations are to reduce hysteresis and eddy current losses.
Pay in 1990 will reflect the firm's profits in 1989, rather than its current losses.
The new law allows them to "carry back" current losses to offset taxes paid in profitable years.
Morningstar estimates that the fund's current losses also represent more than 1,000 percent of its $44.8 million in assets.
And the lesser the current, the lesser such a loss.