Its current inhabitants are predominantly Alawites and agriculture is the chief source of income for the village.
The city of Xuchotil was built long before its current inhabitants arrived.
The current indigenous inhabitants seem to have settled here beginning with the 16th century.
On the one hand they did not differ from the current inhabitants of Denmark in skeleton.
Parties onshore reported that there were no signs of current or previous inhabitants.
The current inhabitants, who split into eight main families, own their homes in the village and are largely self-sufficient.
If we wanted to learn about the more recent history or current inhabitants of the galaxy, we'd still need to explore physically.
She stood at the rear wall monitors, looking over the current inhabitants of the holding cells.
Furthermore, the museum offers programs for the current inhabitants to develop the district.
The current inhabitants are not the original people of the village - they were all wiped out by the Turkish invasion in 1526.