To get a sense of the dangers of the current imbalance between public and private support, look at what has happened since January 1996.
With the current imbalance, I know that the risk of failure is reduced to its current level: eg, small but still real.
Underlying the current imbalances are fundamental structural problems with the global reserve system.
The current 4 to 2 imbalance would be enough to spark a tougher battle by itself.
With linear loads, the neutral only carries the current due to imbalance between the phases.
On a wider note, authors need to organise themselves to redress the current imbalance of power.
The roots of the trade deficit are in the current global imbalance.
The current imbalance between actual production levels and the maximum guaranteed quantities is the reason for the huge penalties borne by farmers.
The opportunity must not be missed to redress the current imbalance during this reform process.
The current imbalance has encouraged fuel tourism, which has economic and environmental ramifications.