It is precisely because such phrases are not part of the current idiom that they give distinction to the style.
Did you expect her to come up with a current popular British idiom instead of an American one, for some bizarre reason?
Over 23 architects, mostly working in the current Baroque idiom competed.
But a fourth factor is the accessibility of her current idiom.
In cases where word-for-word literalness was determined to be unacceptable for modern readers, changes were made in the direction of more current idioms.
The current idiom also has its limits: Mitake, for one, said he never uses the expression kokoro no kaze.
They make splendid use of vocal arrangements to tap into current cultural idiom.
Countless phrases from them are current idioms, and familiarity with them is assumed.
I am endeavoring to improve my command of current idiom," I explained.
Though alcohol played second fiddle, if that's still a current idiom.