The current fare is 120 for adults and 60 for school aged children.
Northwest's current fare, with no advance purchase requirement, is $318.
If you don't know the frequency of services and current fares make sure that this information is easily available.
As of 2012, the current one-way fare is $3.50.
The current fare: $5, less than such a trip cost in 1939.
At the current fares, a full bus with 47 passengers does not cover even half the expenses.
As it is, many bus riders complain that the current fare, $1.35, is too high given the quality of service.
For train times, current fares and information about school visits, parties and special events, please telephone 0484 865727.
Many Americans still crave a serious news program and do not watch the current fare or buy the products advertised on these programs.
The current one-way unrestricted fare for the 90-minute, 500-mile flight is $439.