The strategy involves assessing "business as usual" current and forecasted emissions to calculate a baseline for reduction.
A growing number of researchers agree that based on current emissions, there is an additional one degree Fahrenheit warming commitment embedded into our 100-year plan.
Burning fossil fuels to provide heat and hot water in buildings accounts for a large slice of current emissions.
The plan would also require a 3 million-ton reduction in nitrogen oxide pollution by 1998 from current emissions of nearly 20 million tons a year.
RGGI takes effect in 2009, and is designed to reduce carbon dioxide pollution to a level 10 percent below current emissions by 2019.
That level is less than the half the current emissions.
I think the most interesting is the current per capita emissions, where China is shown to be significantly less polluting per person than as a whole.
It said the third alternative - allowing snowmobiles on only the major snow roads - would produce about one-third the current emissions.
It would also be useful to improve the EU's current emissions trading scheme.
Meeting the basic energy needs of all the world's people would contribute less than 2% to current global emissions.