For a given power level, a higher voltage allows for a lower current and usually better efficiency at the greater cost for high-voltage equipment.
Any impatient attempt to open them up to ascertain their current efficiency might result in a total breakdown, which could not be rectified in time.
This ratio is called the current efficiency.
A home energy rating that is used to determine a home's current efficiency is referred to as a "confirmed rating."
A confirmed rating, which indicates the home's current efficiency, requires an inspection of the home from an energy rater.
The yield of an electrosynthesis is expressed both in terms the chemical yield and current efficiency.
The reason one chooses one over the other is due to a trade off of ease of experimental conditions versus current efficiency.
Efficiencies of up to 65% might perhaps be achieved, (whereas current efficiency for large industrial compressors is max.
The current efficiency of the panel is near 1%, which the researcher hopes to improve in the near future.
The original design comes from traditional lines modified with current efficiencies.