Brad Carter, head of S.M.U.'s religious studies department, said the school's current debacle in the midst of an aggressive effort to upgrade its academic standing reflected a broader conflict in the state.
Elliott accepts that is true, but though Shaw wrote his play in the aftermath of the first world war, Elliott resisted setting her Saint Joan during another war, the current debacle in Iraq.
Peter Preston: The likes of the Guardian, Telegraph and Independent have nothing to do with the current debacle.
That said, Germans (some not all) have been overly self-righteous in the current debacle.
Its current debacle has therefore opened the possibility of a troubling void on the German right.
Mr. Sykes, a journalist in Milwaukee and the son of a professor (to whom the book is affectionately dedicated), has no doubts about the cause of the current academic debacle.
They undid nothing the Conservative Parties did, added more salt to the wounds and have just paved the way for the current Conservative debacle.
She'd been doing fantastic until this current debacle, which meant she'd have to start over.
But there is growing recognition that a trip to bankruptcy court could give many parties in the current debacle - particularly the politicians - a convenient way out.
But even in the current debacle, many Americans are hanging on to their faith that stocks remain the best place for their money over the longer run.