There is no easy answer to the question, What's the current count?
Not only are there a large number of instructions (current count is about 245) but many of them have addressing variants.
"On current count the enemy lost more than a thousand men," he said, his voice cold.
By its current count, McDonald's has more than 30,000 outlets in 119 countries, serving about 47 million customers a day.
Only once this century has the party exceeded its current count, and that was in 1921-22, when it had 34 governors.
Over the years more space has gone into nonresidential use, and some rooms have been enlarged, to bring the current count to 1,705.
The current count of workshops is ever increasing and has reached over 220 as of Spring 2011.
Major collections include the following, with counts current as of December 2004:
"The current count is 985," the mayor said, "and it's a seller's market with more demand than supply."
"The second column gives the current counts by location."