Other analysts have however continued to assert than ongoing tensions over currency valuation remain, with currency war and even trade war still a significant risk.
He called for continued overhauls of banking, currency valuation and the financial sectors and also addressed the trade issues that have become so contentious in the United States.
Racing wanted to purchase his rights following this loan, but a dispute over currency valuation scuppered the deal and led to his surprise move to San Lorenzo.
Adjusted for currency valuations, German stocks have dropped even further than their American counterparts.
Otherwise, the currency valuations were fairly stable.
I support legislation that would permit the United States to impose trade sanctions on countries like China that artificially control their currency valuation.
Four years ago we were in the middle of a ridiculous asset bubble that had pumped the currency valuation up to crazy heights.
The latter is the case for countries that experience rapid changes in inflation and need to quickly change currency valuations.
However, at the heads of government summit China's currency valuation was not on the agenda.
He also suggested the IMF could help resolve the trade imbalances which could be the underlying casus belli for conflicts over currency valuations.