Consumer confidence is already at very low levels because the currency is depreciating almost every day.
If the deficit widens, however, dealers would probably sell dollars on the theory that the currency will depreciate further to stimulate American exports.
The national currency, the zaire, has depreciated rapidly against the American dollar.
The currency has depreciated by 15 percent against the dollar this week, leading to fears of higher prices and unemployment.
Both state and Continental currency depreciated rapidly, becoming practically worthless by the end of the war.
As the currency depreciated over time, it was pegged at two shillings four sterling pence in 1906.
Its currency has not depreciated in value like that of its neighbors.
The gain would have been higher if several major currencies had not depreciated against the mark, he said.
Over all, "I felt the currency would depreciate less than the interest," he said.
In the 1990s, as the local currency depreciated, their numbers decreased.