It was Royale who spoke, his voice quiet and soothing as before and curiously devoid of any trace of insolence.
Her criticism of the infamous orgy scene - describing it as "more voyeuristic than scary" and "curiously devoid of sexual energy" - proves why the scene works so masterfully.
But they were words that she had used on me a thousand times before, in lust or passion; and now, said in hate, they were curiously devoid of any sting.
Or was he a detached, deadpan, clinical observer of life curiously devoid of moral compunction or true feeling?
Entering the casino, one is beset at every side by invitation-invitations such that it would take a man of stone, heartless, mindless, and curiously devoid of avarice, to decline them.
It shows a lone British infantryman observing the rockets' red glare above trenches that are curiously devoid of other soldiers or bodies.
We were sitting now in the immaculate white kitchen, a room curiously devoid of mystery for such an esoteric meeting.
The room where Cora Lansquenet had died was clean and fresh and curiously devoid of any sinister atmosphere.
His victory would bring a professional satisfaction, but it was curiously devoid of personal triumph.
The lofty ceiling of the church lent a sense of airiness, but the space was curiously devoid of ornamenta-tion and there were no religious icons at all.