This completed the curious reversal in roles that occurred in the early 1980s, when thrifts became traders and traders thrifts.
It was a curious reversal of the natural way of things.
With the end of empires, Europeans found a curious reversal taking place.
The young man, as he followed his wife into the hall, was conscious of a curious reversal of mood.
The geopolitical situation depicted is in fact a curious reversal of that in the Second World War.
"The Judge and the Historian" also involves a curious reversal of traditional roles.
A curious reversal takes place.
As Europeans debated whether Tuesday's agreement represented the end of the Continent's fiscal union, or merely a temporary suspension, several noted the curious reversal of roles.
Indeed, in a curious reversal of logic, the modern approach to 18th-century style exemplified by Friday's heavy bowing, active vibrato and long legato lines seemed an anachronism.