By the silver light of the white moon, he could see the curious inscription on his front door which he hadn't been able to read before.
She was speaking from a time long before the unearthing of the obelisk with its curious orrery-like inscriptions.
On the fly leaves of these old Bibles there are often very curious inscriptions.
There, carved into stone beneath his feet, was a curious inscription: Quamquam in fundis inferiorum sumus, oculos angelorum tenebimus.
Then he turns it over and looks at the base and there is the curious inscription: 'Made in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
A curious undated inscription can be found on a tombstone in St Michael's parish church (built on the site of the old clas).
A massive iron door was set in its base with curious inscriptions upon it.
She wears a T-shirt with a curious inscription: "I'm an X.P. star!
Among a number of curious inscriptions found at Armazi, the most important is the bilingual Greco-Aramaic tombstone inscription commemorating the short-lived Serapita and her noble lineage.
The curious inscriptions on some of these tiles soon reached the ears of Chinese scholars and epigraphers.