However that may be, we are dealing with a curious amalgam of services which has little coherence or consistency.
The job of fashion director is a curious amalgam of personal taste and corporate policy.
This is yet another of those curious amalgams of musical authenticity and directorial trendiness.
Nostalgia for the late-Victorian era combines with late-20th-century kitsch in a curious amalgam.
Some potteries also produced curious amalgams of two subjects.
It is a curious amalgam of modernist esthetics and pre-industrial craftsmanship.
Variety commented that it is "a curious amalgam of the visually striking, the dramatically feeble and the offensively sadistic".
Inside is a museum devoted to extraterrestrial phenomena and to genetics - a curious amalgam of sci-fi and science.
"Beyond the Golden Door" is a curious amalgam of autobiography and a brother's apologia.
But, salt is a necessity, especially in hot climates, and its use has been a curious amalgam of barter and currency for centuries.