I feel very strongly that more women at museums need to start taking the initiative in senior curatorial positions.
At the Los Angeles museum, the directorship is an administrative and not a curatorial position.
More than a dozen other staff members have also left in the last year, leaving vacant senior administrative and curatorial positions.
In small museums, curatorial positions may be available to individuals with a bachelor's degree.
The French dominance of these powerful if temporary curatorial positions was unexpected.
While in his curatorial positions he mounted major exhibitions of Art Nouveau.
On his early retirement in 1964 at the age of 52, he took an emeritus curatorial position at the museum.
He said he was not looking at other curatorial positions.
Even before the hurricanes, the museum was financially strained and had dipped into its endowment for curatorial positions in order to meet operating expenses.
It is also in the same year that Choy decided to retire from his curatorial position to devote himself as a full-time painter.