Integration of preventive and curative services to all administrative levels.
Since 1961 Japan has provided universal health coverage, which allows virtually all access to preventive, curative and rehabilitative services at an affordable cost.
It aims to establish community health centres offering preventive, rehabilitative and curative services and would also provide casualty and maternity service 24 hours a day.
They stressed rural rather than urban health care, and preventive rather than curative services.
This care comprises essentially curative services and is provided by the district hospital and community health centre.
The government continues to push for improved curative services.
The health seeking pattern of the villagers show that nearly 70% of the patients who consulted a healthcare provider for curative services, contacted a village doctor.
Consequently, case studies suggest that up to 70% of village dwellers who consult a healthcare provider for curative services are most likely to contact a village doctor.
An increase in AIDS cases will strain both preventive and curative services.
Its main role is to safeguard the health of the community through promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services in Hong Kong.