Should a patient dare to decline a scan that might discover an early, curable cancer?
Adults with curable cancers also receive free treatment.
Even though the treatment is relatively straightforward, mistakes in management can have huge consequences for a young person with a curable cancer, he says.
Quoted: What can we learn from curable cancers?
Users were much likelier than nonusers to have the most easily curable cancers, those that had not spread beyond the breast.
It is possible that a curable cancer could spread and become incurable during a 6-month period, but this is not common.
Choriocarcinoma, for example, is an uncommon, yet almost always curable cancer.
Testicular cancer is among the more curable cancers, even at an advanced stage, thanks to improved detection and treatment.
I had a seminoma - a curable cancer - in my chest, but I'm fine now.
But even if there was some risk involved in mammography, the benefits of finding early, curable cancers far outweigh it.