Bravery, the cunning use of resources, and luck can conquer even the most overwhelming odds.
Maybe the tobacco company executives won a few converts with their cunning use of language.
The mental and physical disturbances brought about by their so-called spells are nothing more than intoxication achieved through the cunning use of alkaloids.
They were festooned with such phrases as present trends are likely to continue and made cunning use of adverbs like increasingly.
She also made cunning use of pieces of old paper to patch and repair torn and damaged artworks.
The seeming miracle was achieved by means of a cunning use of paint.
All through there is truth, concealed with a careful and cunning use of words.
Admittedly, books are not being burned - the purifying flame is being put to a more cunning use.
This suggestion is intensified by his cunning use of symbolic colors.
The song itself, which set people crying inside and outside Westminster Abbey, makes cunning use of pop's collective memory.