Lu Xun should not even bother about this, much less resort to using such a cunning trick.
You observed the bike for nearly a year and used a cunning spy-movie trick to see if it had been ridden when you weren't around.
Swade was obviously still in the dark about the cunning trick Kilby had played on him.
Adenovirus, the cause of the common cold, is another microbe with a bag of cunning tricks.
The end for Kurt, when it came, was from a cunning British trick.
There are some really cunning tricks to it.
They had arranged a cunning trick and ambush, which had all but snuffed out the last of the Isbels.
Some of his powers may be cunning tricks or outrigh fraud.
It's a perfectly simple ending, and also a cunning rhetorical trick.
Don't try any of your cunning native tricks on me," said the Mirayan.