Feuillade had made two earlier serials, Fantômas and Les Vampires, about cunning criminals.
But this time, fate had played a trick on a cunning criminal.
He's a coward and nothing but a cunning criminal.
BUT he was a cunning and resourceful criminal.
A cunning criminal had taken no chances on a blundering stranger crossing his electrically protected hedge by an overhead route.
So were two betrayed henchmen of a cunning criminal.
One Zorzo, a brutal, cunning Jovian criminal, was the undis- puted tyrant of the evil place.
Like Evelyn, he realized instantly that his plan to deliver the map himself had been nullified by a cunning criminal.
The Shadow considered him grimly in the role of a cunning criminal who chose to call himself Number One.
It was a wilderness guarded by nature as well as by cunning criminals.