But if you look at the cumulative profits that the banking industry earned over since 2001, it would actually not be all that impressive a number.
By the end of 1978, the industry had made $5.45 billion in cumulative historical profits, a number that had grown almost every year since the beginning of commercial aviation.
The retained earnings (cumulative profit and loss) were $4.7m at the end of 1990 and -$24m at the end of 1991.
In the 4 years under his leadership, it made a cumulative total profit of Rs.250 billion (US $5.2 billion).
In total, the losses from the incident dwarf the $51 million in cumulative profits earned over 10 years by the fund through its investments at First Capital.
The company reported net income of $62.6 million in 2004, which pushed its cumulative profit to $330.6 million.
The company eventually issued a $127 million financial restatement - turning a cumulative $45 million profit from 1998 to 2000 into a $35 million loss.
From 1990 to 1999, Farmland reported nearly $700 million in cumulative profits, largely from increasing fertilizer sales.
The fund's cumulative profits in those seven years were $750 million.
Despite its recent losses, it generated nearly $15 billion in cumulative profits during the years it was owned by Daimler.