Many funds scale down fees as more money is invested, frequently on a cumulative basis.
In fact, had all of Reagan's budgets been adopted, federal spending would have been 25 percent less on a cumulative basis.
Instead of monitoring one donor, the government would have to monitor each recipient yearly on a cumulative basis.
Points for this are calculated on a cumulative basis after each World Series event.
The agency must post data for the current fiscal year on a cumulative basis (year-to-date information), updated quarterly.
These tax codes operate on a 'cumulative' basis.
On a cumulative basis, California has the worst air quality in the nation.
In the case of the postal orderly, his sixty situps must be on a cumulative basis.
With a fixed exchange rate, that means that Britain loses competitiveness, and will continue to do so on a cumulative basis.
And on a cumulative basis the shareholders had profits since the beginning of 1993 of about $3 billion.