This change of attitude created problems for the large and cumbersome structure of the Labour Party, where the commitment to peace was a deep-rooted and sensitive issue.
But he left behind a place that must heal its divisions and overhaul a flawed, cumbersome structure that had allowed the controversy over Mr. Wolfowitz to spread out of control.
Mr. Marchionne hinted at the changes in July, when he said the company's cumbersome structure made it impossible to meet profit and sales targets set by the previous management.
Cumbersome Structure The school, with a teaching staff of 100, has a somewhat cumbersome administrative structure.
As Commissioner Rossotti has stated, IRS' current cumbersome organizational structure and inadequate technology are the principal obstacles to delivering dramatic improvements in customer service and productivity.
The idea has been debated on campus since last summer, when an independent task force recommended the move as a way to streamline what critics have said is the university's cumbersome academic and administrative structure.
In 2002 this rather cumbersome structure was simplified.
The plan, designed to streamline what some had argued was a cumbersome academic structure, would incorporate the academic courses now offered through Douglass into a new "residential college."
If we are to involve the societies in this process it is important that we look into means of setting up a permanent, although not cumbersome inter-parliamentary structure.
Under the cumbersome political structure that has emerged in what remains of Yugoslavia, there are three key political posts.